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Project launch: 20 April 2018...


Association of Small Organic Farmers in the South of Ecuador's Amazon region

It was founded in 2005 by a group of small farmers who got together to raise their voices in the cacao sector. They pooled their production together to be able to compete trade with bigger and more industrialized companies. They export organic cacao, coffee and plantain and support the growth of a sustainable source of income for the families of the region.


Today the cooperative works with more than 130 farmers, 30% of which are Indigenous (Zaraguro and Shuar) and 30% of which are women. 

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With the help of Canative Energy the campaign “More than just beans…” was created. Its objective is to raise funds ($30,000) to develop a more profitable line of business. Well acquainted in the production and export of coffee, raw cacao beans and plantain chips, APEOSAE has identified an opportunity for its associates in the export of cacao paste (unsweetened baking chocolate) to its existing clients in France and the US.



We encourage all of our contacts to contribute to this awesome project. Do not wait more and help APEOSAE become

“More than just beans…”



With your donation you will be awarded by unique gifts like coffee and cacao samples, your own cacao tree and even a personalized tour to the cacao plantations and production facilities in Zamora Chinchipe - Ecuador.

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